Spallanzani Vini was born in 1888 as a small family business, producing and commercializing wines and musts.
For almost a century all the activities were carried in the Spallanzani’s Mansion. In 1974, a milestone year for the company, a site expansion and numerous technological advancements were undertaken to keep up with the market demands and competitors.
The company has then gradually diversified the production, mainly focusing on traditional, desulphurized, concentrated, and rectified musts.
In 2013, Spallanzani Vini introduced sparkling wines and Spumante among the products offered, following an important investment in autoclave capacity.
One further milestone has been achieved in 2018 with the installation of a high-tech rectification (grinding) system, to be more and more competitive and to satisfy modern market demands.
Today, in addition to production and commercialization of unbottled wines from all Italian regions, the Company can supply products not only for the wine-making sector but also for pharmaceutical and food industries.
As our history testifies, technological avantgarde and innovation are keywords for our company mission, always on an endless journey of growth and product quality.